White Sands National Park - Otero and Doña Ana County, NM
I've been all around the US and I've seen a lot of what everyone has. If you're looking for something different and a place you can make a change that will matter then this is the place. The mix of diversity ranging from Navajo to Pueblo to Apache to Ute to Spanish Americans to Western settlers to Mexican immigrants and Westcoast newcomers like me, is like none other in America. I didn't realize what kind of place New Mexico is until I spent some time here.

Spaceport America - Truth or Consequence, NM
Art, Food, Music and Entrepreneurship are all important parts of the areas identity. Most people are only familiar with ideas they got from pop culture like Breaking Bad so many people assume New Mexico is only violence, drugs and poverty but that would be gross misunderstanding of the reality. NM has challenges but NM also has a really deep history that you can't buy with tech money and an eye on the future that many states do not. Chaco, a massive building built by the ancient Pueblo, was the largest building in America until the Empire State building went up. The Spanish families in the area have been on their land under 3 different nations flags: Spain, Mexico and the US, but they are still here doin' THEIR thing. The Navajo Nation, the largest indigenous tribe in the US sits on it's Northwestern corner and two large Apache reservations reside in New Mexico. Santa Fe, NM is the oldest capital in the US and is an epicenter for Southwestern Art. Georgia O'Keefe and many other famous artists spent a lot of time there. Meow Wolf has become a real artistic sensation and originally comes from Santa Fe.

Chaco Canyon Structure - San Juan County, NM
If you're interested in sustainability Taos, NM is home to Earthships, a company pioneering the building of environmentally sustainable homes run off of renewable energy. You may have heard of Richard Branson and his company Virgin Galactic but did you know they fly out of Spaceport America in Truth or Consequence, NM? Did you know Spaceport America is not far from White Sands, you know what happens there right? If not you should look it up. Not far from White Sands is Roswell and for many Roswell is the Mecca of Alien - UFO interest. Maybe even come check me out by the Glades up in the 4 Corners and oh yeah the 4 Corners is a world unto itself that deserves it's own post. New Mexico is bubbling with innovation and ideas and it's seriously one of the most beautiful places in America. It's probably kept a secret so it's not over run. So don't come here and try and make it there but do come here and bring your talents, your ideas, your hopes, your dreams and your heart because there are great things for you here.

Earthships - Taos, NM
That said, the poverty is real, the drugs are real and the violence does happen but I've seen more of it in just about every other place I've been. The numbers look crazy in NM because the population is small and there's a lot of folks living in abject poverty on the Reservations and NM has a lot of Reservations and Pueblos. Also, because the Reservations are so underserved, criminal organizations like the cartels have set up shop in many of them to cover their actions crossing the border. Many of the women that go missing on Reservations are because of this. These are issues that if you come into area you might not see at first, but if you decide to stay just be a part of the solution and respect the culture, there's a lot more to love than to hate.

Navajo Nation - Shiprock, NM
Things are way more affordable here. You CAN OWN A HOME. The state is really into helping small businesses so YOU CAN OWN A BUSINESS. It might not ever be where you live but it's one of the most enchanting place we have in America. You should at least visit some time. We're making the future out here.

Meow Wolf: House of Eternal Return - Santa Fe, NM