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It's hard to tell who's telling the truth about their politics. Which plan works to benefit the people and which seems to always boost the interests of a wealthy few? Who takes us to War and who presides over Peace and Abundance? Let's take a look at the terms of the last 4 Presidents along with the guy currently occupying the White House.

(R) 1989-1992: Iraq War 1. Economic stagnation.

(D) 1993-2000: Internet takes off. Economic boom. US envy of the world |

(R) 2000 - 2008: 9-11 / Lies about WMDs / Lies to UN / Lies to Allies / Never ending Middle East War begins / Housing bubble / Great Recession / Corporations are people / World Police 2 //

(D) 2008-2016: Many middle class and poor people get healthcare for the first time / Economic Recovery / Bin Laden killed / Less war

(R) 2016-Present: Putin corrupts US election to help elect failed casino tycoon and multi-bankruptcy TV reality show star and puppet aka "useful idiot" Donald Trump /

Immediately corruption within leadership is exposed and mutiple connections to Russian oligarchs associated with the Kremlin come to light / Trump uses every lever to bury information and distort the case / Eventually the administration accumulates the most felony convictions of senior staff of any US Presidential Administration in history / Stockmarket booms for shareholders to grease the wheels with the investment class while anyone without investments watches their standard of living fall to similar levels as many 3rd World Countries / Homelessness surges / Hate crimes and polarization surges / KKK and Nazi hate groups become emboldened and see sharpest rise in recruitment since Segregation / Mass shootings become so regular some aren't reported as headlines / World Wide Coronavirus Pandemic hits US / US cases dwarf the rest of the world / A lack of planning and proper supplies along with general incompetence leads to tens of thousands of deaths / Supporters of Putin puppet challenge health guidelines accusing their political opposition of conspiracies like a cheater saying their significant other is probably cheating so they pretend they are the guilty one. / Months of effort destroyed by the selfish actions of these extremist blood thirsty supporters of America’s first would be King. A man of such evil that while people are experiencing a once in a generation plague instead of focusing on the problem all he does is praise himself and offer little to no help or guidance on how to stop the suffering.

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